This was a challenge for me, not only the fabrics but also the inspiration picture and words along with that ribbon.
In the end I didn't use the actual ribbon on the block. Instead I used the colors and flowers as a jumping off point for embroidery I decided to do as a block centerpiece. I am moderately happy with how the embroidery turned out. It's not something I do on a regular basis so I am definitely not "good" at it. Once I finished that center it felt right to me to use the other fabrics to frame it in a style similar to a log cabin.
The quilting did not go as I would have liked. I used my free motion foot to outline the embroidery loosely and then after that I was at a loss of what to do. I decided to simply stitch in the ditch and leave it at that.
Wow, thats so cool! The movement, and the almost gothic look of the embroidery design! Not at all something I would have thought of, which makes it fascinating to me!