Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February Inspiration - indigo

I just realized we are already more than 1/2 way thru the month and I have yet to put much work into my February block!  When I got the package from M I opened it up to be amazed by a coloring book of mandala's and some gorgeous origami papers.  Oh my - a mandala block?  M sent it as a gift only, but it still got me thinking.

Along with the book and papers came striking pink and a bright patterned fold of fabrics.  Then a larger fold of rich flat black. A bright orange stretch lace and gold fabric paint completed the supplies sent.   Hmmmmm, what to do...

Materials sent - such potential!

So as I was organizing I percolated on these ideas.  I was drawn to the grey scale fabrics in my stash along with a silky white with black dots fabric.  All that black, white and grey would make colors really pop.  Tonight I added the dark blue from M's January send to the mix.

Supplies together, what a lovely mix!
I looked at the mandala book again and quickly decided there was no way i was going to try y-seams or a pattern with 100+ pieces and cuts.  But I still want the movement and energy of a mandala.  Out came the ruler and pencil and I started sketching some thoughts.
Potential paper piecing design

For the base I am thinking of some paper piecing and a border once that part is completed.  It will be a star with a log cabin style.  I made some of the silky fabric into some piping - I am looking at adding some interesting texture with that and the lace.  I am also inspired by some beautiful thread quilting in simple but very energetic designs by a fabulous quilter.

by; Living Water Quilter

It reminds me of a craft I find endlessly fascinating - Temari.

by; Homewood Embroiderer's Guild

So, we will see what happens next, its usually a surprise to me as well as anyone else!

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