Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February Block Completed - indigo

Well, this was challenging on several fronts.  I played with fabric paint for the first time.  I played with adding piping to a design.  And I created my own paper piecing design.
I don't have a name for it, kinda thinking Mariner's Log Cabin

Whew, no wonder I am tired!

I wanted to take the mandala mirror imaging design aesthetic while keeping it something I could accomplish on a machine - no Y-seams.  I knew I did not want a true star block, But I also liked the movement of the star or starburst pattern.  Very freeing.  So, after some sketches, an 8 piece paper pieced design with a star and log cabin styling unfolded.
8 paper piecing sections to make the center block

While working with fabrics I kept wanting to add this silky white and black polka fabric.  But I don't like combining cottons and non-cotton fabrics in the same layers of sewing a quilt.  For some reason I kept wanting to turn it into a piping.  So ok, pulled out a medium yarn and created some simple piping.  I decided to use it to outline the star.

Piping in quilting is definitely a challenge!  I learned a lot.  It creates a lot of fabric thickness at points and corners - be aware of that.  Its also a little unruly during the piecing and quilting process - plan your stitching around it!  All that learning aside - I love the effect.  I am a fan of anything that adds textures.

Piping adds a lot of depth!
Once I got the block together, I didn't like how the dark blue star seems to get lost in itself.  Voila - there is where the gold paint can go!  Highlighting the edges gives it a gilded look I really like.  That choice also determined the thread for quilting - a yellow variegated embroidery thread.  Once it was all together the center of the star just cried out for the star bead I had on hand.
Star bead accent and gold paint and thread gilding.

February down!  I am in the process of putting together the March inspiration pack.  Waiting for the snow to melt and spring to show up, maybe that will make it into the next series.  Happy sewing!

Monday, February 24, 2014

February Inspiration - Molly

I've been dreadfully remiss in posting my ideas and inspiration from my February bundle of goodies sent by the amazing Indigo. From the moment I opened the package and looked through I have had an image in my head of what I wanted to create. 

In the package were three incredible and very different fabrics, a lovely variegated thread and some wool yarn. Along with were several clippings with a lot of woven and mosaic images. 

One of my favorite things is the juxtaposition of the realistic/earthy fabric and wool to the crazy/bright fantastical fabrics and thread. 

Can't wait to finish creating this image in my head.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February Inspiration - indigo

I just realized we are already more than 1/2 way thru the month and I have yet to put much work into my February block!  When I got the package from M I opened it up to be amazed by a coloring book of mandala's and some gorgeous origami papers.  Oh my - a mandala block?  M sent it as a gift only, but it still got me thinking.

Along with the book and papers came striking pink and a bright patterned fold of fabrics.  Then a larger fold of rich flat black. A bright orange stretch lace and gold fabric paint completed the supplies sent.   Hmmmmm, what to do...

Materials sent - such potential!

So as I was organizing I percolated on these ideas.  I was drawn to the grey scale fabrics in my stash along with a silky white with black dots fabric.  All that black, white and grey would make colors really pop.  Tonight I added the dark blue from M's January send to the mix.

Supplies together, what a lovely mix!
I looked at the mandala book again and quickly decided there was no way i was going to try y-seams or a pattern with 100+ pieces and cuts.  But I still want the movement and energy of a mandala.  Out came the ruler and pencil and I started sketching some thoughts.
Potential paper piecing design

For the base I am thinking of some paper piecing and a border once that part is completed.  It will be a star with a log cabin style.  I made some of the silky fabric into some piping - I am looking at adding some interesting texture with that and the lace.  I am also inspired by some beautiful thread quilting in simple but very energetic designs by a fabulous quilter.

by; Living Water Quilter

It reminds me of a craft I find endlessly fascinating - Temari.

by; Homewood Embroiderer's Guild

So, we will see what happens next, its usually a surprise to me as well as anyone else!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

January Block - Molly

Finally completed my January block. I know it's February second...it's been a crazy month. 

This was a challenge for me, not only the fabrics but also the inspiration picture and words along with that ribbon. 

In the end I didn't use the actual ribbon on the block. Instead I used the colors and flowers as a jumping off point for embroidery I decided to do as a block centerpiece. I am moderately happy with how the embroidery turned out. It's not something I do on a regular basis so I am definitely not "good" at it. Once I finished that center it felt right to me to use the other fabrics to frame it in a style similar to a log cabin. 

The quilting did not go as I would have liked. I used my free motion foot to outline the embroidery loosely and then after that I was at a loss of what to do. I decided to simply stitch in the ditch and leave it at that. 

So there is my January block. I am busily putting the finishing touches on February's package and hope to mail it tomorrow.